Allergy-Proofing Your Home: Steps You Can Take to Breathe Easy This Spring

Sniffling, sneezing, watery eyes—it can be hard to enjoy the warm weather of spring when you’re constantly battling allergy symptoms. Thankfully, there are some steps you can take to make your home a refuge from the pollen you face outdoors.

Consider Keeping the Windows Closed

We know—there’s not much that feels better than opening the windows and letting the warm breeze pour in. Doing so, however, welcomes allergens into your home along with the sun’s rays. Consider using ceiling fans and central air to get a breeze in your home, rather than opening the windows and exposing yourself to everything that makes you sneeze outdoors.

Get Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned

Dirt, dust, and allergens can get trapped in your carpets, making it tough for you to breathe easy when you come home at the end of the day. If it’s been awhile since your last professional carpet cleaning, it’s time to reach out to your carpet cleaning professional to discuss setting up a carpet cleaning appointment. This is especially important if you have pets who live both outdoors and indoors, as you’re dealing with their dander plus any pollen and other allergens they bring into your home.

Use an Air Filter

If you’re not already using an air filter, consider getting a HEPA-approved option to remove allergens from the air. You don’t necessarily need to filter the air in your entire home—using an air filter in your bedroom at night may be enough to give you a break from the allergens you’re dealing with during the day.

Shower When You Get Home

When you move about your day—from your car to your office, from your office to lunch, exercising outside, doing yard work—you’re likely to get pollen and other allergens on your clothes. No matter how many steps you take to keep your home allergen-free, it’s impossible when you’re tracking in allergens each time you enter your home. Taking a shower and changing clothes when you’re done being outside for the day can help you wash off pollen and dust, making it easy for you to breathe easy.

Searching For Carpet Cleaning Services in Toledo? We’ve Got You Covered

Our Toledo carpet cleaning company is here to help you through the allergen season, one carpet cleaning at a time. If you’re struggling to stop sniffling and sneezing, we’re here to help by providing you with the clean carpets you need to get through your day. Reach out to us to learn more about how our carpet cleaning in Toledo can help keep you relaxed and rested throughout allergen season.

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