What Is Automatic Parasite Control?

Automated detection and classification of parasites on thick blood films has been developed in recent years, but the method requires further improvement and requires specific features for different parasite species. This article looks at the benefits and limitations of this new method of pest control Adelaide. Here’s what you need to know:

Automated detection and classification of parasites on thick blood films

Malaria diagnosis is a major challenge for healthcare providers in large metro poles. The current gold standard for malaria diagnosis relies on human experts annotating thick blood films. Nevertheless, obtaining enough human expert annotations is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Automated detection and classification of parasites on thick blood films can facilitate rapid diagnosis in low-resource settings.

Methods for controlling parasites in equids

In addition to controlling clinical disease, deworming is essential to keep pastures free of parasites. Effective dewormers can control the population and time the treatment to match environmental conditions. These treatments target both adult and larvae parasites. However, some parasites have become resistant to dewormers and cannot be controlled with current medications. These horses are at a greater risk of reinfection than others. Fortunately, there are several effective methods for controlling parasites in horses.


Efficacy of automatic parasite control on livestock has been a topic of debate for a long time, but recent studies have found positive results. One study has been published and another is ongoing and will be completed by the end of 2019. The first study was completed in 2015, and data is currently being analyzed for publication. Both studies will have similar findings, so a final conclusion on effectiveness will be difficult to make.


Automated devices for parasite detection and classification use digital image analysis to detect and classify malaria parasites on a thick blood film. These devices are mounted on most conventional light microscopes in endemic regions and are equipped with motorized stage units that can move the microscope stage and objective lens. High-quality images are obtained with the aid of the analysis program. Despite their many advantages, there are several limitations to the automatic devices.

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